Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute

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Teaching Practice Improvement

Teaching Practice Improvement

Unit Description

The Teaching Practice Improvement unit focuses on helping teachers from Grades R-12 strengthen their understanding and skills in Languages (with an emphasis on reading) and Mathematics. The goal is to equip teachers with new teaching methods that will help them effectively deliver the curriculum. Collaborative learning experiences allow teachers to exchange ideas and best practice.

Teacher professional development is key to improving education and ensuring high-quality learning in the Western Cape. The Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) is at the heart of this effort, offering a variety of programmes for teachers, school leaders, and support staff.

Courses We Offer

Unit Function

    Functions of the Teaching Practice Improvement unit include:

  1. Continuous Skill Enhancement: The Teaching Practice Improvement Unit offers Professional Learning Opportunities (PLOs) to help teachers grow in their profession. These programmes focus on improving teaching skills and keeping teachers updated with the latest research and best practices. The goal is to enhance both teaching quality and learner outcomes.
  2. Curriculum Alignment: Programmes align with the South African national curriculum statements (CAPS). This ensures that teachers are well-equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to apply the curriculum effectively in their classrooms.
  3. Professional Learning Communities: Teachers are encouraged to connect, collaborate, and share best practices through professional learning communities. These communities create a supportive environment where teachers can learn from each other’s experiences and grow together.
  4. Assessment and Monitoring: Teachers receive training on effective assessment and monitoring strategies. This helps them design and implement both formative and summative assessments, ensuring they can accurately measure learner progress and adapt their teaching methods accordingly.
  5. Technology Integration: Teachers learn to integrate digital tools into their teaching. This empowers them to use technology effectively to enhance learner engagement.
  6. Phase-Specific Courses: CTLI offers phase-specific courses to address the unique needs and challenges of teachers in different phases, including the Foundation Phase, Intermediate and Senior Phase, and FET Phase. These courses address the unique challenges and needs of teachers at each stage, ensuring they receive the right support for their specific teaching level.

  • Foundation Phase Programme

    This programme caters for Grades R-3 teachers. We deliver a wide range of learning opportunities. Our course topics and modules are structured in different modes to cater to your availability and learning styles. You can choose to attend and make use of the following modalities:

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    Intermediate and Senior Phase Programme

    These programmes provide professional learning opportunities for in-service teachers in grades 4 to 9.
    These Professional Learning Opportunities consist of
    • formal 30-hour/3-week courses
    • short courses from 2 hours to 5 days

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    Inclusive Education Programme

    Inclusive Education in South Africa is built on a foundation of diversity, acceptance, and equal opportunity. It recognises that every learner is a valuable part of the school community and ensures that all learners feel supported, included, and valued in their journey.

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    Further Education and Training Programme

    This programme focuses on supporting and strengthening the professional growth of teachers in the FET phase.

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    Unit Team


    Gavin De Bruyn

    Chief Education Specialist (TQI)
    (021) 900-5053

    Magdalena Benn

    Foundation Phase Programme Coordinator
    (021) 900-5016

    Natasha Fouche

    Intermediate and Senior Phase Programme Coordinator
    (021) 900-5018


    Adele Smith

    Inclusive Education Programme Coordinator
    (021) 900-5055

    Lucia Booysen

    Foundation Phase Programme Coordinator
    (021) 900-5054