Programme Delivery Divisions

The FET (Further Education and Training) Sub-Directorate at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) is dedicated to enhancing the professional development of teachers working in the FET phase. This program offers various courses and professional learning opportunities for Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Geography, Business Studies, Life Sciences, and Accounting. These offerings are carefully aligned with the Annual Teaching Plans (ATP) and cater to the specific needs of educators in the FET phase. The primary goals are to boost teachers' content knowledge, enhance their teaching strategies, empower them to create quality assessments and implement new knowledge effectively in their classrooms.
The courses provided by the FET Sub-Directorate at CTLI go beyond subject-specific content and encompass generic courses that help teachers improve their overall classroom practice.
Some of the concepts we engage in are Barriers in Learning Languages, Barriers in Learning Mathematics (Foundation and Intermediate Phase) and Assessing and Supporting Learners (all phases).
Courses are accessible through various formats, including online, face-to-face, and blended learning, ranging from short 2-hour sessions to more comprehensive 2-week programs. An emphasis is placed on integrating technology and interactive activities to make the learning experience engaging and effective.
Heading the coordination of these courses is Gaironesa Daniels, an experienced office-based educator. CTLI collaborates with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to deliver accredited courses, aligning their offerings with the specific needs of educators. In addition to the core subjects, the FET offerings include Three Streams subjects, designed to empower teachers with classroom management, assessment, practical skills, and effective curriculum implementation.
The courses provided by the FET Sub-Directorate at CTLI go beyond subject-specific content and encompass generic courses that help teachers improve their overall classroom practice.