Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute

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Leadership Academy

Leadership Academy

Unit Description

The Leadership Academy is a unique new unit at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute, specifically tasked with developing leadership talent across the WCED and particularly in schools.

Courses We Offer

Unit Function

The Leadership Academy is a unique new unit at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute, specifically tasked with developing leadership talent across the WCED and particularly in schools.

  1. To enhance the technical and behavioural competencies of school managers with the view to improving school functionality.
  2. To prepare a talent pool of new school leaders who possess the relevant future-appropriate competencies to lead functional schools.
  3. To provide the WCED with a dynamic course framework as a mechanism to more promptly and directly influence the focus on the short-, medium-education priority areas, and in the long-term, purposefully (re-)shape the organisational culture (compliance vs innovation balance).
  4. To explore a fresh collaborative partnership approach with external providers to support SLMP delivery (control over what we insource and outsource).
  5. Serve to improve internal efficiencies and coordination (within the WCED) by formally locating (absorbing) ad hoc PD into the SLMP, and curtailing duplication.
  6. Provides a space for the development of specialist streams and opening a possible career pathway to specialised organisational functions.
  7. Include an Executive Programme to actively invest in a core of educational thought leaders and innovative solution generators, who can sustainably lead the SLMP and other leadership development programmes into the future.
  8. To stimulate and advocate self-agency into professional learning.
  9. Provides a platform to explore future-focused andragogical approaches in leadership development.

  • School Leadership and Management Programme

    The Academy will offer various training and support programmes, courses, conferences and seminars to develop strong leadership within our schools. Each district office identifies schools, preferably primary and high schools, to participate in programme each year. Each school, in turn, nominates their School Management Team members to participate, including teachers with potential and interest to be developed in school leadership.

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