2025_IP/SP_T2_How to teach reading for meaning Grades 4-9 (online)
The How to teach reading for meaning online course will cover all the reading strategies covered in the face-to-face course, but was mainly created to give the teacher that can not attend the face-to-face courses, a chance to get the knowledge and skills to address and assess reading in the Intermediate and/or Senior Phase classroom effectively.
Some of the reading strategies include:
* Using predicion
* Inferencing
* Teaching and assessing using comprehension tests effectively.
* KWL model.
Although the course is in English, manuals will be available in English, Afrikaans and IsiXhosa.
Teachers that successfully complete the course will get a certificate of completion and SACE Professional Development points.
As these are Audited courses, teachers will have to complete a Memorandium of Agreement that will be signed by your principal as well, in order to do the course.
Please note that teachers from Grades 1-3 and Grades 10-12 will not be considered for this course.