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2025_IE_When foundations are not met in the Foundation Phase
Poor performance in national and international benchmark tests have led to a consideration of what is regarded as core skills that are precursors to learning and development. Improving the quality of learner achievement within the GET phase is largely dependent on the strengthening of the foundation phase. However, given the challenges in navigating the teaching and learning space in the COVID years , as well as the staggered return to formal schooling, many learners have not sufficiently acquired or mastered core skills that would enable them to be able to read for meaning by Grade 4 or age 10.
This course is built on the premise that delays in foundational learning (perceptual development, pre literacy and numeracy as well as critical life skills) have led to the development of barriers to learning that are both systemic and intrinsic. These barriers shape the learners academic journey which for many, may become an experience that is challenging, consequently diminishing self-esteem and impacting on their capacity to learn.
A practical approach to in-class support through innovation in curriculum delivery, adaptation of content, methods of learner engagement and the identification of learning delays is provided for teachers. This is the first of a series of professional development workshops that will enhance teacher capacity in the understanding of support to learners with delays in foundational learning.
Mode of Delivery: Face-toFace
Venue: The Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute