Applications are no longer being accepted for this course
2025_Grade 4-7_Mathematics: Basic Operations/calculation strategies (face-to-face)
This face-to-face 10-day course will cover topics pertaining to the teaching, assessing and methodology of Mathematisc in the Intermediate Phase Curriculum as contained in the CAPS and ATP.
During this first course, the following topics will be covered:
Day 1: Welcome and Understanding Learner Calculation Strategies
Day 2: Foundations of Place Value and Positional Numeration
Day 3: Building Place Value Knowledge and Teaching Techniques
Day 4: Number Concepts and Models for Teaching
Day 5: Number Lines and Alternative Techniques for Number Sense
Day 6: Lesson Study – Collaborative Planning and Reflection
Day 7: Addition Strategies and Mental Calculation Techniques
Day 8: Subtraction Techniques and Rapid Recall Exercises
Day 9: Multiplication and Division Concepts with Mental Techniques
Day 10: Assessment, Review, and Course Reflection
Note that as this is a 10-day face-to-face course, you will need to source a substitute to be in your class. The CTLI will pay the substitute. If you are having trouble sourcing a subsitute, please let us know.
If you are unable to do the face-to-face course, note that we also have this course online. See the CTLI menu for more information.