Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute

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IP/SP Webinar: Life and living for sustainability.

26 October 2023
This course is for:
Grade 4 - 6 Grade 7 - 9 Principal, Acting Principal, Deputy Principal, Acting Deputy Principal, Departmental Head, Acting Departmental Head, Teacher, Novice Teacher
Applicants must teach in:
Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6) OR Senior Phase (Grades 7-9)
Natural Sciences and Technology
About this Course

Join us for this, the 7th of many webinars focussing on Languages, Science, Coding and Robotics and Mathematics. 

This 1-2 hour webinar presented by Dr. Wendy Taylor of UCT/Arizona State University USA and Andrew Petersen UCT, focusses on :

Life and living for sustainability: A brief introduction to a framework for education for sustainability and an overview of the CTLI blended learning course for NST.

Session starts at 17:00. Invite will be sent via email to join on MS teams.

All participants signing the register will receive 10 SACE PD points.

If you have any questions please contact me, Natasha Fouche on 021 9005018 or

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Natasha Fouche